It’s difficult to be hopeful, especially in times like these. Uncertainty, fear, an unknown future. They all add up, putting an enormous amount of pressure on us and the way we feel. It’s easy to want to give up or get discouraged, but we can’t. Being optimistic right now is the key to not falling apart. It sounds unbelievable or even absurd, however, it can truly help motivate not only yourself but also others around you.
With all the negative things we hear on the news, on social media, or in conversations we have with others, it's extremely challenging to stay calm and assured. But, it is very possible to maintain a positive outlook during the pandemic.
So, with a plume of negativity hanging over the entire world right now, what is it that we can do to maintain a good mental environment?
The answer is to try and focus on the many things that make you feel safe and happy:
1. Eat healthy and exercise routinely. Not only will this keep you physically fit, but it will help reduce the high levels of stress and tensions you’ve been facing. It releases endorphins, ‘our happy hormones' which leaves a feel-good effect afterward. Eating fresh fruit and vegetables, and drinking a lot of water will significantly boost your immune system.
Ultimately the goal is to be happy.
2. Don’t let paranoia get to you. Don’t jump to conclusions the moment you start seeing symptoms of a cold, cough, and/or fever. Speak to or video call your doctor and let him or her decide whether you need to get tested or not. Freaking out over something that could turn out to be false will only make it harder for you and your family.
3. Have a laugh. Getting together or just talking to family and friends can take a load off your shoulders. Laughing together with your loved ones boosts your immune system, reduces stress and lightens the mood. It triggers healthy emotional and physical changes to our bodies. There’s a reason why laughter is called the best medicine.
4. Learn something new. No matter how oversaid this may seem it really is beneficial. Immersing yourself into a newfound interest or hobby takes your mind off what’s happening in the world right now. Learn a new recipe, or even redecorate your room. Indulge yourself to the fullest and just have fun.
5. ‘Me time’ is definitely a must. Whether it’s reading a book, watching a light-hearted movie, or taking a long relaxing bath, it can instantly uplift your spirits. It’s therapeutic, helps combat anxiety and stress, and improves your mood. It allows you to take a break and just focus on yourself.
6. Most importantly, focus on the positives of the lockdown and stop worrying about how this could go all wrong. Take this unexpected time off to really bond with your family. Relive old memories, create new ones. Feel grateful that you and your family are healthy and safe in the comfort of your home.
At the end of the day. The ‘how’ isn’t what’s important. Maintaining a healthy and optimistic lifestyle throughout this devastating time is all that matters.