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Artists Against COVID is a fundraiser held under the umbrella of the Creation for Prevention Association, a nonprofit that strives to provide people access to resources during trying times through the use of various forms of art. Artists Against COVID consists of a group of student artists who want to make a profound change in their communities.


Upon donating, you will have the opportunity to request virtual commission(s) from our artists, which be sent to you either by email or social media.


100% of the profits raised will be used to purchase medical supplies (to donate to places most in need) and to fund initiatives helping others to cope with the pandemic.


Now more than ever, we need to ban together to help those who need it the most. We understand the numerous hardships that COVID-19 can and has caused for many, and want to change that for the better.


We hope that you can help us make a difference by donating below!

Artists against covid



personal protection equipment(PPE)



We strive to be as transparent with our donors as possible. As for sourcing, the Creation for Prevention Association relies on both domestic and international suppliers. There is no specific supplier that we purchase our PPE from as we purchase a variety of products, but we do try to make sure that it is the highest quality attainable



Funds will be stored on the GoFundMe account until enough funds have been acquired to make another shipment. 


At this point a shipment of PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) has been ordered and will be delivered by one of our members to a location in need. Locations are selected based on where our members are located and the severity that COVID-19 has affected that particular area.
Depending on availability, we may purchase different kinds of PPE.
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