This year marked the 244th anniversary of the United States of America, and as there are hundreds of feats and accomplishments to celebrate, there are also reasons to stay indoors. With the 4th of July weekend being one of the biggest holidays in 2020 so far, Americans want to be able to spend time with their family and friends at the beach or parties.
As states reopened on Memorial Day weekend and early June, the number of cases increased by 89% in the past two weeks. States like South Carolina, Florida, Texas, and Arizona had to re-shut down public areas to instill social distancing orders. Parades, picnics, beaches, and firework shows were canceled due to the rise in cases of up to 50,000 new cases in the listed states listed above. With the cancellation of events, governors and mayors urged families and friends to stay at home and hold a small cookout instead of a full-blown party. Some state leaders are asking families to keep a contact list to help pinpoint new outbreaks in that area if it were to happen. After the spike with the number of cases after Memorial Day weekend, health officials are fearful of another spike that could plunge America in another deep mess.
On the other hand, President Donald Trump held a 4th of July event which entails a military flyover and the launch of 10,000 fireworks on the National Mall on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington D.C. Despite the mayor, Muriel E. Bowser of Washington, suggested against so, the area will still provide hand-washing stations and up to 300,000 face coverings. On July 3rd - in the presence of Mount Rushmore - the President delivered a speech in front of a maskless crowd to barely discuss the current state of the pandemic that is sprouting again in the States. With his departure, millions of Americans still feel like the pandemic is underplayed by the President.
This year, many Americans believe that "celebrating the 4th of July is a complicated topic". The reason being the injustices that have been occurring and coming forth in the past 2 months of 2020. With the death of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, as well as the resurgence of Black Lives Matter, possibly the largest movement in U.S history, Americans were left to question whether or not they want to honor the holiday this year if the Black community and other minorities are continued to be discriminated against. Millennials and Generation Z's were protesting for Black Lives Matter in Chicago, Washington D.C, and Mount Rushmore. At the same time, many social media influencers and activists used their platform to confront the ideals in which the Declaration of Independence was signed upon.
America's Largest Obstacle: Patience
On the news and social media, there are dozens of videos of adults fighting restaurant/grocery store managers because some civilians refuse to wear a mask in their establishment. In other accounts, families and friends are prematurely gathering in larger groups, or mingling between different groups of people more often than not. As a result, many health officials claim that the biggest challenge to the pandemic is the lack of patience in Americans.
The nation is itching to return to normalcy; especially in the summertime where the weather lures the people to go outside and gather. Even though states reopened in early June, the impact of the lack of social distancing has caught up again. And, even though America wants to retreat to life before the pandemic, it is important to realize that the future of returning to "normal" lies in the fate that the population has to take more caution.
It is difficult to take the situation seriously when government leaders or figures do not wear a mask in public events or underwhelms the pandemic.
The lack of wearing a mask has plagued the minds of Americans because some feel as if the pandemic is overplayed and "fake". Some angry men and women throw a visible fit in grocery stores and restaurants by physically and verbally harassing the workers. Some locally-owned restaurants closed again because the employees are exhausted from the constant conflicts that arise between the customers and workers.
The fact of the matter is that masks do slow down the spread of the virus. The wearing of a face mask suggests 60% of large droplets and aerosols. There is evidence that if 80% of citizens wore a mask, that that would be more effective than going into total lockdown again. States like Pennsylvania have required people to wear masks in public, or restaurants and stores are allowed to deny entry. As mentioned in previous articles, masks do not increase your carbon dioxide levels and should not affect your ability to breathe normally. When in doubt, wear a mask - it does more good than harm.

COVID-19 is far from over, and the best way to keep your family safe is to follow the "3 W's"
Wash your hands
Watch your distance
Wear a mask
With Houston and other major cities struggling with their hospitals filling up due to the recent spikes in viruses, you can donate to Artists Against COVID to help raise money to assist local hospitals! We're close to sending out our next shipment of supplies - The link is on the main home page.