There are dozens of myths and false information spread on the news and social media. Here are a few myths that are debunked by science and real research.
To avoid becoming sucked into the vortex of false information, make sure you confirm your information with the CDC and WHO.
Myth #1: Face Coverings Are Not Effective
Truth: Clothed masks/ face coverings are an effective way to slow down the spread of COVID-19, but wearing one does not 100% protect you from the virus. The masks contain droplets and aerosols that spread the virus to others. Wearing a face mask, washing your hands, and keeping your suggested 6 feet apart from one another lowers the risk of spreading/ contracting the virus. An additional myth includes that masks increase the amount of carbon dioxide you breathe in - carbon dioxide does not build up in masks. If you must go out, wearing a mask in public is the most simple way to keep yourself and others safe.
Myth #2: COVID-19 Affects Older People More Than Younger People
Truth: People of all ages can be affected by COVID-19. The reason that old people are more susceptible to the virus is that most have existing diseases like asthma, heart disease, diabetes, etc.. It is advised that all age groups should take care of themselves to protect themselves from the virus.
Myth #3: Consuming Bleach or Other Disinfectant Product Kills the Virus
Truth: No, injecting for consuming bleach can cause severe tissue burns, blood vessel damage, and death.
Myth #4: There Is A Cure To COVID-19
Truth: As of right now, there is no vaccine for the virus, but millions of people have recovered from the virus itself through care from healthcare workers. Countries around the world are working on a vaccine as well as drug trials for the virus. Drugs like hydroxychloroquine that supposedly Donald Trump was taking can cause serious side effects and additional sickness. The only common drug that is effectively working and approved by scientists is dexamethasone, which is a steroid. This drug reduces mortality in severely ill patients as it reduces inflammation.
More information can be found here: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/16/world/europe/dexamethasone-coronavirus-covid.html
Myth #5: High Temperatures Prevent You From Getting COVID-19
Truth: Temperatures higher than 77 F (25 C) do not virus or cure you of the COVID-19 virus. You can get COVID-19 from any weather.
Additional "Myth Busting" can be found on the World Health Organization's website: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public/myth-busters