The most difficult thing that can happen is the unexpected!
How do? Why? And when did it start?
Corona Virus!!
A deadly, fatal and dangerous virus...
Mankind is threatened with extinction!
How to deal with it and how to stop it?
At first it all started with china, people began to die, day by day the disease started to grow more and more.
Hundreds and thousands of people are dying every single day!
It didn’t come to china only, it had spread everywhere, suddenly the globe is in danger!
The whole world had to deal fast to stop the virus from increasing the mortality rate.
Every country was forced to act fast to find a way to stay safe and rescue itself!
So my country had to deal with it too, small and a resource-poor country, we all thought that if the virus hit the country we all are going to vanish, because what Jordan can do?
Before the virus, I was planning to leave the country to complete my education and work abroad to change my life so I can find better opportunities, back in time I was sure and believed that Jordan is not my place, I have no future here and I hated this country!
After the virus, everything changed! My whole mindset had changed, after I saw how my small and poor country had faced the unstoppable disease I would never leave!
This small poor country kept me safe and healthy, this small poor country showed me how important I am as one of her people!
It didn’t treat anyone different based on his name, religion or wealth!
Everyone was treated the same, we all felt worthy.
I will never forget the sirens that kept remembering us to stay home and stay safe!
I will never forget the time that corona virus had given me to see my family, to talk to them, to feel how is it like to be home again even though I was living there but only with my body not with my soul!
Thank you Jordan, thank you, your Majesty King Abdullah Ibn Al Hussein, thank you Coronavirus for giving me the opportunity to be thankful that I was born in Jordan.