The Coronavirus has shaped and reshaped America's view on healthcare. Millions of people have learned, experienced, and changed their values toward what they want in healthcare.
Today, we will look into each Presidential Candidates' viewpoints to see what President Trump has done for the country, and what candidate Joe Biden will do if he wins the election in November.
President Donald Trump of the Republican Party (Track Record)
COVID-19 Response:
Delegated primarily responsibility for COVID-19 response to state government, whereas the Federal Government is a back-up
Declined to reopen the Affordable Care Act (ACA) enrollment for the uninsured
Reduced U.S. engagement in the global response, ended US funding for WHO and announced withdrawal from WHO membership
Signed emergency relief legislation which eliminated out-of-pocket costs for COVID-19 testing, prevention, eventual vaccine; increased Medicaid FMAP by 6.2%; expanded unemployment insurance; and provided paid sick and expanded family and medical leave during emergency
Medicaid and Medicare:
Supporting repeal of the ACA / lawsuit to overturn the law (including Medicaid expansion and other provisions)
Proposed changes to cap and limit federal funding for Medicaid and limit Medicaid eligibility
Supported policies and approved waivers to require work as a condition of Medicaid eligibility
No proposed changes to broaden Medicare eligibility
Supported repeal of ACA, which includes provisions that closed the Medicare prescription drug "donut hole", added free coverage of preventive services, and reduced spending to strengthen the solvency of the Medicare Hospital Insurance Trust Fund
Broadened Medicare coverage of telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic, and provided funds for health care providers
Public Option/Opinion:
Does not support a public option
Does not support Medicare-for-all
Mental Health:
Supported repeal of the ACA, which would reduce coverage for mental health services and substantially limit the scope of mental health parity rules
Created a task force to focus on suicide prevention for veterans and proposed increased VA funding for suicide prevention
Reproductive Health:
Added new payment requirements for enrollees in ACA Marketplace plans that include coverage for abortion and insurers who offer them
Supports the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal funding for abortion except in cases of rape, incest, or life endangerment
Eliminated anti-discrimination protections in health care for LGBTQ patients and those who have terminated a pregnancy
Immigration and Health Coverage:
Supports transition to “merit-based” immigration, winding down the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, ending illegal immigration, building a wall between US and Mexico, ending chain migration, eliminating the visa lottery program, disqualifying sanctuary cities from receiving federal funds
Issued a proclamation stating that all new immigrants could be denied entry unless they provide proof of eligible health insurance or ability to pay for foreseeable medical costs (Court order currently prevents implementation)
Joe Biden of the Democratic Party (Proposals)
COVID-19 Response:
Put "scientists and public health leaders front and center" in communication with the American people
Give the Federal government primary responsibility for response
Reopen ACA enrollment for uninsured
Re-embrace international engagement and reverse decision to defund/withdraw from WHO
Medicaid and Medicare:
Establish a new federal public health insurance option, like Medicare
Does not support Medicare-for-all
Public Option/Opinion:
Retain ACA Medicaid expansion and other ACA Medicaid provisions
Automatically enroll in the public option adults who would be eligible for Medicaid if their state had expanded under the ACA, with no premium and full Medicaid benefits.
Provide federal support for state Medicaid programs during an economic crisis
Reduce drug prices under Medicare, people with private insurance, and under the proposed public option, by giving the Secretary authority to negotiate drug prices with pharmaceutical companies (see next slide)
Add vision, hearing, and dental benefits in a financially sustainable manner to Medicare
Mental Health:
Implement suicide prevention strategies for veterans and LGBTQ youth. For veteran suicide prevention, expand and strengthen mental health programs both inside and outside the VA
Increase mental health workforce by doubling the number of mental health professionals in schools and encouraging youth to pursue health care jobs
Reproductive Health:
Supports Roe v. Wade and pledges to nominate judges who will uphold abortion rights
Prohibit states from refusing Medicaid payments to reimburse Planned Parenthood and other providers for family planning services
Ensure people with employer-sponsored insurance have access to no-cost contraceptive coverage regardless of their employer's beliefs
Reverse Trump administration policies that permit discrimination of LGBTQ patients seeking health care
Immigration and Health Coverage:
Create a roadmap to legal status and citizenship for unauthorized immigrants who register, are up-to-date on taxes, and have passed a background check; reinstate Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA); direct federal resources from building a wall to other border enforcement efforts; reverse Trump Administration policies that separate parents and children at the border
Reverse Trump Administration's changes to public charge policy
Expand ACA coverage to include DACA recipients (Dreamers)
Remove the five-year waiting period in Medicaid and CHIP for lawfully present immigrants
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